Martes, Agosto 6, 2019

How Herbal Tea Improves Your Health

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How Herbal Tea Improves your Health?

Nowadays, there is a trend for energy drinks. Energy drinks affect your health really very much. Herbal tea is the healthiest drink provided these days. There are many essential elements present in herbs such as antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins which provide a lot of health benefits. The best alternative to your daily caffeine and sugary intake of drinks are herbal teas. It gives you a head start to a wonderful day with its natural parks and perfect taste. Here are the benefits and the list of most recommended herbal teas.

What is Herbal Tea?
Herbal teas are not basically obtained from a tea plant. They are actually made by steeping herbs, roots or flowers. The herbal tea was originated from ancient China and ancient Egypt. It has been used for a thousand years for its perfect taste and a lot of medicinal properties. There are hundreds of herbal teas available out there which varies in taste and quality. The main benefits you can get by using it are treating cold, relieving stress, and anti-aging properties. Most importantly, herbal teas are not caffeinated.

Healthy properties

1- Fights the Cold
Herbal teas are recommended more often when someone gets a cold. The elder tree herb containing the properties of clearing nasal passage and treating a serious cough is good for fighting a cold. Moreover, it also prevents and reduces the risk of asthma.

2- Improve Digestion
Herbal tea improves your digestion system. It basically breaks down the fats which your body contains and empties your stomach speedily. They can also reduce the symptoms of vomiting, bloating and indigestion. The best teas recommended for these symptoms are ginger tea, peppermint, chamomile, cinnamon, and dandelion.

3- Boost up the immune system
The vitamins and antioxidants are found in the herbal teas in great quantity which strengthens up your immune system. And these properties help you fight different diseases and infections. The best teas recommended for you better immune system are Echinacea, licorice root tea, ginger, and elderberry tea.

4- Reduces Inflammation
Make a habit of drinking herbal tea in daily routine as it helps those who suffer from arthritis. Herbal tea has so many benefits, it reduces pains, headaches, swelling, and tiredness. The best herb which is used worldwide to reduce inflammation is Ginger tea. That is because it is rich in the plant chemical gingerol. That way the tea is known to be best for muscle pains and joint treatments.

5- Anti-aging
Everyone in the world always wants to look younger and do not get old before their time. Well, the good news is, one of the many effects of herbal tea is that it slows down the process of aging. They basically reduce the ages of the cell and prevent radicle damage. Also, it makes your hair and skin look younger and healthier.

6- Relive anxiety and Stress
Herbal teas relax the mind and relieve anxiety and stress. Most of the people these days suffer from insomnia, a cup of herbal tea before going to bed is the best cure. If you have difficulty sleeping and a lot of stress in your mind than chamomile tea is best for you. It actually stimulates the brain and reduces the feeling of depression, technically an anti-depressant.

7- Lowers blood pressure
A lot of people these days suffer from high blood pressure which can be extremely dangerous as it causes heart diseases. You don’t need to take pills anymore, try drinking herbal tea in daily routine and it will lower your blood pressure. Hibiscus tea is best for this purpose as the chemical it contains does not have any side effects.

Blood pressure can also affect your kidney, so to go the natural way, hibiscus is best for you.

8-Great for healthy Skin
Acne is a common problem in teenagers. To have a natural treatment without any side effects these medications causes, herbal teas is the way to go. You can drink the tea or you can directly apply the tea on your skin. Rooibos and chamomile tea has antioxidants and antibacterial properties, which makes them best for skin health. Spearmint tea can also be used as it also helps to lessen acne.

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Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is widely used for its soothing effects. It relieves anxiety and stress and keeps you calm. According to recent research, it has been stated that drinking chamomile tea twice a day can reduce the effects of insomnia and helps you asleep. It also soothes the stomach pains and can be used as an herbal tea for inflammation.

Rooibos Tea
Rooibos tea held a lot of health benefits. It relieves you from acne and eczema and is considered best for skincare. It reduces the process of aging and lessen your wrinkles and makes you look young, all because of strong antioxidants. Rooibos tea is rich in calcium and fluoride which makes it best for strengthening bones. The other benefits included are as follows: asthma, allergies, infections, and headaches.

Peppermint tea
If you have digestive problems and most of the time your stomach aches then peppermint tea is the best natural remedy. It relieves you from muscle spasms. And it also reduces the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating. It is also helpful for treating cold, cough, and nausea. Though this tea should not be consumed for the purpose of heart problems or indigestion.

Ginger Tea
The tea is most commonly used by people for cold, nausea, digestive problems, and vomiting. Ginger also treats heartburns, strokes, indigestion and stomach pains. Also, it is the best method for the treatment of inflammation as it contains gingerol. Ginger tea also benefits you in enhancing your brainpower, weight loss, menstrual discomfort and much more.

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